Friday, July 20, 2012


My name is Jeanne Herman, I am originally from Brazil, but I have been living in US for the last 4 years. I will be graduating from the Master Education and Administration program from Andrews University in August 2012. This portfolio is part of the requirements for the degree, and through it I intend to present a collection of information, some work that I have done and my development throughout my journey at Andrews University.
This portfolio will present my skills and give others the opportunity to know about me and to know what I am good at. This portfolio will also help myself by showing the improvements I have made and my weaknesses as well so I can learn how to do better in the future.
My portfolio is also a presentation of my personality, my desires, and my aspirations. Its intention is to show others that I am prepared to face the marketplace, that I am capable and how much I have learned during my time in school. When I look at my papers I can notice my development even in my English skills which were still raw in the beginning of my program.
The electronic portfolio was chosen because I see in it innovation; through it other students will be able to learn from me and also evaluate my work. I also believe it is creative, it shows different possibilities of education that are beyond the traditional classroom. Still, this electronic portfolio is giving me the chance to make a reflective assessment of the work I have done and because the new era has arrived I feel I have to be ready to develop technology skills. The market place seeks multitask professionals and those who are not prepared to meet its needs will be left behind. The online learning has changed the way we communicate and decreased the distances among people, so hopefully this portfolio can be seen by many other students and also be a gain to Andrews University.
I am humbling presenting myself as someone who is open to receiving criticism from the committee who will be evaluating my work. I will also welcome any adivice because I understand that education never ends, we are constan learning. I find great pleasure in learning from those more experienced than me.
I invite and welcome everyone who is willing to read my work. I put efforts and time into this portfolio and would love to hear any feedback or advice on how I can improve. 

Introduction PDF

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